
Curriculum Meeting Cancelled

In respect of her Majesty`s passing we have been advised that all Committee Meetings and Public Facing Meetings are to be cancelled. The Curriculum Meeting on Wednesday evening is now cancelled.

We will advise you of the new date shortly.



On Wednesday 26 October 2022 we are having Bag2School.  We hope you will support this by filling the bags with items from the attached list below.  All proceeds will go to our School Fund.  
Please do not send the filled bags until the morning of, Wednesday 26 October 2022, as we do not have sufficient storage space.
We hope that you will support this to raise funds for the Pupils benefit.


Burrelton Primary Parent Council Boot Sale

Burrelton Primary Parent Council are having a Car Boot  Sale on Saturday 28 May 22 at 10.00am until 14.00.  The Boot Sale is to be held at Manse Road, Woodside, Burrelton.

We hope you will support this worthwhile fundraiser.


Young Writers Permission

Please complete the permission to publish slip for the Young Writers entry and return it to school by tomorrow - Wednesday 4th May - so that they can be posted to Young Writers before the deadline on Friday.  Your child's work cannot be published in the book without permission.  Alternatively, you can use the login details on the form to give permission electronically. 


P3/4 Newspapers

P3/4 are still needing a selection of newspapers to look at for their topic work.  We haven't received any in yet.  If you have an old newspaper in the house could you send it into scholl today, please?
